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Quality Bulletins (QB)

Even though Volvo Cars imposes the highest quality standards, both on itself and suppliers, unforeseen product quality issues can occur. After a careful review of all implications on safety and customer satisfaction, including legal considerations, Volvo Cars will advise all relevant markets of the needed remedial actions. This is done through a quality bulletin (QB).

A quality bulletin will provide information on the terms of the policies, especially details regarding:

  • The technical nature of the problem

  • The range of vehicles involved

  • The action to be taken

  • Claiming procedures

Each quality bulletin is given its own individual alpha/numeric identification number. Quality bulletins are divided into the following six distinct categories:

  • Active Service Action (A)

  • Limited Action (L)

  • Policy (P)

  • Recall (R)

  • Service Action (S)

  • Delivery Stop (D)

In principal all quality bulletin categories are valid internationally, although they may not be launched on all markets. They can be implemented on transient vehicles by any Volvo dealer on any market.

All customer and dealer owned vehicles, regardless of country of origin, must be checked at every service or repair appointment to identify any outstanding quality bulletins with the exception of policies. Dealers should endeavour to complete identified quality bulletins (except policies) before the vehicle leaves the workshop. This work must be completed free of charge to the customer. All unsold new and used vehicles in stock must be checked and any applicable quality bulletins (except policies) must be completed prior to the vehicle being handed over to the customer.