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List repository view

From here you can select a work list or part list to work with, if there are any existing lists available. It is also possible to create a new work list or part list and to import lists. An empty list is shown once you create a new list.

This list repository view has three main sections:

Fig. 32: The list repository view

1. Functions in the upper section


The following labels and functions are available in the upper part of the view:



List name

If you have an active (previously selected) list, the name of that list is shown in the upper left part of the page.

List type

Next to the list name, you can see what type of list it is, i.e. a work list or a parts list.


This button cannot be used on this page, since you are already on the page where you select another list to work with.

Create New

Clicking this button activates a pop-up window from which you can create a new list. Two types of lists can be created, parts lists or work lists. The list type can be changed, but some list elements will be deleted if a work list is being transformed into a parts list. Select what type of list to create and enter a list name (mandatory). You can also enter an order number. By clicking the Create button, the list is created and opened.

Search/Quick Add

By using this function, you can search and add items to your currently active (last selected) list (see section 1). Use the button to perform a search. The search results are presented in another view, see the article Search results view for further information. If you are aware of the ID/number of a CSC or part to add, use the button. This adds the item to the list instantly. If a work list is active, you can search and add CSC, parts and operations. If a parts list is active, it is only possible to search and add parts since this list type cannot contain any other item types.


The print drop-down menu cannot be used on this page. You can only use the print functionality from a work/part list view. See the articles Work list view or Parts list view for further instructions.

If you have a currently active (last selected) list, click the icon in the upper right corner of the screen in order to return to that list.



If you don't have an active (previously selected) list, no list name or list type is shown until a list has been selected.

2. List of related work orders

In this table, all related work orders for the selected vehicle are presented.



Work orders are fetched from your DMS.


The list is structured in the following columns:



Work Order No.

The number of the work order.


Possible comments on the work order.

Associated List Name

Associated list of the work order.

List Type

The type of the list, i.e. work list or parts list.

Created By

CDSID of the user who created the list.

3. List of related work lists and parts lists

In this table, all related work orders for the selected vehicle are presented.


The list is structured in the following columns:



List Name

The name of the list.

List Type

Indicates whether the list is a work list or parts list.

Work Order No.

The number of the work order.


Possible comments on the list.

Created By

CDSID of the user who created the list.

Select button

When clicking the Select button, selected list is opened (see Work list view or Parts list view).

4. Functions in the lower section


The following buttons are available in the lower section of the list repository view:




Click to delete one or more selected lists. Select list(s) to delete by using the checkboxes on the left-hand side of each row in the Work Orders, and Work/Parts List tables.


Click to activate a pop-up window from which you can export selected work list as a .csv file.


Click to activate a pop-up window from which you can edit the details of a selected list's information, i.e. type, name and order number.