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Release Notes

Release Notes are displayed under the Home tab in the right-hand margin. The Release Notes provide information about application updates in VIDA releases.

Fig. 28: Release Notes

The headlines of the release notes are displayed in reverse chronological order (latest on top) along with publication date. An icon, New, is displayed beside the release note headline for one week from the publication date. Clicking any release note headline opens the detailed content of the note in a pop-up screen. If there are more than five release notes in the panel there will be scrolling possibility when you point the cursor on the panel. The message "No recent updates" is displayed if there is no release note in the Release Notes panel (i.e. the most recent release note is more than 30 days and no new note have been published after that).

30 days from publication date the release notes will be moved to the archive. The archive is reached by clicking the View All button. The View All button is displayed on the Release Notes panel as well as on individual release note pop-up screens. By clicking the View All button you access all release notes published till date on VIDA, sorted by year and month. By default the View All display list shows the release notes for the current year.

Urgent Release Notes

If an urgent release note is published in the Release Notes panel it will be released in English for all VIDA language versions. This is to make it available to all users in a quicker way. As soon as the release note has been translated, the temporary English version will be replaced with the correct VIDA language. The translated note will be published as New with current publish date.



TheRelease Notes are also accessible via the icon in the Other tools and system functions.