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Common icons

The subsections below list icons that are commonly used in documents, lists and mechanical information in VIDA.

Icons in documents




Collapse left-hand menu panels.

Expand left-hand menu panels.

View in full screen mode.

Exit full screen mode.

View previous document.

View document links.

Previous/next page.

Print current document.

Search current document.

View legend.

View in one page mode.

View in two page mode.

View in scroll mode.

Zoom in/out.

Icons in lists





Refresh the result/list/table.

By clicking this icon, a refresh of the result/list/table is triggered. All filters applied (if any) are removed.

Filter the result/list/table.

By clicking this icon, a blank row where it is possible to enter filter criteria appears on top of the result/list/table. If a filter criterion is entered in more than one field, the system considers both filters. In other words, the system considers “AND” condition instead of “OR” condition if there are more than one filter criteria.

To remove the filtering, press the icon once again.

Add the customer to your personal My Customers list.

By clicking the gray star icon, the customer is added to your personal My Customers list.

My Customers list is placed under the Workshop Customers tab for quick access to your own workshop customers.

Customer added by you to your personal My Customers list.

By clicking the yellow star icon, the customer is removed from your personal My Customers list.

Sort results/lists/tables

You can sort results/lists/tables on desired field by clicking a column title.

Icons in mechanical information


For some vehicle profiles, you can find added icons for a fast way of reaching explanatory documentation regarding images, manuals and symbols for mechanical information. Clicking one of these icons displays explanatory information in a new window.



View explanatory documentation for images.

View explanatory documentation for manuals.

View explanatory documentation for symbols.