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Advanced Test

This functionality is accessed by clicking the Advanced Test button under the Home à Connected Vehicles tab or on the Software tab. The advanced test functionality is used to check the preparedness of vehicles before starting a software download. You can e.g. check if the connectivity with PIE is working, if the communication tool is working, and to check if control units are responding.

Fig. 247: Advanced Test

1. Control unit connection


In the vehicle graphic, you can see status on the vehicle's control modules. The current status on the control modules is reflected by one of the following colours:


Control module responsive to communication.


Control module not responsive to communication.


Control module not part of the vehicle configuration (it may, however, be in the relevant vehicle model).



If all control modules are shown in grey, no readout information is available.

Test communication with control units

Click the Enable Program Mode button to enable testing of communication with control units in the current vehicle. When the button is clicked the vehicle is set to program mode and you can select a control module in the vehicle graphic to read the hardware and serial numbers. If these two numbers are displayed in the two fields below the buttons the selected control module is responsive to communication. Click the Reset button to disable program mode and return to default mode.

2. VIN Reading

By clicking the Read VIN button, the current vehicle's VIN is fetched and displayed in the text field. The VIN can be copied from this field if needed.



It is not possible to read VIN if the vehicle is set to program mode (see section 1).

3. USB handling

Tick this checkbox to enable download of large software files without using a USB memory.



This functionality is not applicable for ICM and IHU software.

4. Communication Tool

This functionality is only available if your VIDA workstation is connected to the vehicle through a vehicle communication tool. By clicking the Test Communication Tool button, a test is performed and you are notified whether the communication between the communication tool and VIDA is working or not.

5. PIE Connection

By clicking the Test PIE Connection button, a test which tests the connection with PIE is performed. You are notified whether the connection is working or not. If the connection is not working properly, an error message is shown.