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Fault tracing a vehicle's network


This procedure describes how to fault trace a D2 or GGD protocol-based vehicle's network.



This procedure is only applicable for D2 and GGD protocol-based vehicles.

  1. Start by connecting the vehicle to work with.

  2. ð

    The Diagnostics tab is opened by default as soon as the vehicle is connected and assigned its own tab.

  3. Select Network from the left-hand menu panel.

  4. ð

    The network fault tracing functionalities are shown. The vehicle graphic displays all control modules in the vehicle.

  5. Control modules marked in red in the vehicle graphic are not responding (faulty). Grey control modules are not part of the vehicle's configuration or do not respond because of other faulty control units. An explanation of all possible colours of control units in the vehicle graphic is accessed by clicking the icon.

  6. To continue the fault tracing, select a faulty control unit in the vehicle graphic.

  7. ð

    Reference information is listed in the panel below the vehicle graphic.

  8. Select reference information and read it to find a solution. Selected reference information is shown under the tabs in the right-hand panel. The following main categories of reference information are available:

    • General Diagnostics and Tests

    • Component location

    • Specifications, electrical/electronic

    • Specifications, other