With wireless communication, VDS protocol-based vehicles connect to the workshop's LAN using Wi-Fi. Once connected, the vehicles are accessible for readout from any VIDA workstation in the workshop. The vehicles can be located anywhere as long as they are within range of the Wi-Fi network (even on the outside). They do not have to be in any special mode or key position and the connection is maintained even if the vehicles are locked and alarmed. No battery charger is required as long as the vehicles battery charge level is sufficient. The battery status can be viewed in VIDA.
VDS protocol-based vehicles has the possibility to connect to the workshop's networks automatically upon arrival. This is configurable according to two different principles from Sensus Connect inside the vehicle. The vehicles can also be configured not to connect automatically. In such case, or if the vehicle for any other reason is not connected to the Wi-Fi network upon arrival, the wireless communication can be established manually.
The three possible configurations for vehicles using wireless communication are explained in the sections below.
Automatic wireless connection
With this configuration, the vehicle detects a wireless Volvo network when it approaches the workshop location. When the driver turns off the engine, a banner is shown in the upper part of Sensus Connect, which informs that the vehicle will be connected to the network. If the driver does not want to connect, the connection must actively be aborted in Sensus Connect. If not aborted, the vehicle connects to the network when the driver's door is opened.
Semi-automatic wireless connection
With this configuration, the vehicle detects a wireless Volvo network when it approaches the workshop location. When the driver turns off the engine a pop-up dialogue is presented in Sensus Connect, which informs that the vehicle can be connected to the network. The driver has to accept the connection; otherwise no connection will be established. If accepted, the vehicle will connect to the network when the driver's door is opened.
This is the default factory configuration in most markets.
Manual wireless connection
If an automatic connection is aborted or rejected, the vehicle is configured to not connect automatically or for any other reason is not connected to the Wi-Fi network upon arrival, the wireless communication can be established manually. This is done via the network settings in Sensus Connect inside the vehicle or by conducting a command on the vehicle's remote control key.
Manual wireless connection is also used to re-establish communication if a wireless connection is in power save mode. See the article Power save mode for further information.
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