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Search Vehicle

This page is accessed by clicking the Home à Search Vehicle tab. On this page it is possible to search different sources for customers and vehicles to work with.

The page is divided into four sections:

Fig. 15: The Search Vehicle page

A detailed description of each section is available below.

1. Select source

VIDA can have interfaces to external sources like Volvo Central Database and DMS (market depending). VIDA provides ability to search for customer and vehicle information in these external sources.

If VIDA is connected to Volvo Central Database and/or a DMS, it is possible to select to search in one or all of them in the upper part of the page.



If you have no access to a DMS or Volvo Central Database there will not be any search options available. Only the VIN search option will be displayed.

Search fields which are associated to at least one source are displayed as long as source option is selected, otherwise these are hidden i.e. a field that only exists in one of the sources is not included when searching in the other system. VIN is displayed even if no sources are selected, regardless of the source selection.


The table below lists the search fields and applicable sources:

Search Field

Volvo Central Database





License Plate



Work Order



Customer ID



First Name



Last Name






Searching in Volvo Central Database

Volvo Central Database is case sensitive and you have to be as specific as possible when searching in the database. It is not possible to use wildcards or to only type the first letters of names and your search text needs to produce between 1 - 10 hits to return a result. If these search rules are not followed, no customer profile will be found.

Searching in DMS

The DMS search is not case sensitive. When searching in a DMS it is possible to just enter the first letter of a name, i.e. typing "j" returns all names beginning with "J".

2. Search

In the search section, you can search for vehicle and customer information. If a DMS is connected to VIDA, certain information can be retrieved by using the vehicle's registration number. This is useful if the VIN is unknown or if it is not possible to communicate with the vehicle.

When VIN is entered, the vehicle details are decoded and if a DMS is available the customer details are shown.



You need to select source to enable the Search button. When none of the sources are selected, the Search button is disabled.

3. Manual vehicle profiling

In this section, it is possible to set a vehicle profile manually. Before setting the profile, the Partner group has to be set. The partner group of which you belong is set by default. In some parts of VIDA it is possible to work without defining a vehicle profile but it is recommended to at least define model and year to reduce the amount of information that VIDA displays.

The following drop-down menus are used to manually set a vehicle profile:

  • VIN

  • Model

  • Year

  • Engine

  • Transmission

  • Steering

  • Body Style

  • Special Vehicle



If the VIN is unknown the vehicle can also be identified by entering:

  • Chassis number

  • Model

  • Year

Click Select when the vehicle profile has been set.

By clicking the Clear All button, all input in the search and manual vehicle profiling section is cleared. Partner group is reset to default. Clear All does not affect the vehicle profiles set for already open Vehicle tabs.



Many markets have transmission included in VIN. The exception to this is for vehicles older than model year 1998 in AME (USA, Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico), 51 China and 43 Arabia. When Partner Group INT is entered into VIDA Admin, the transmission is decoded when a VIN is specified. When the vehicle's VIN has been entered, you must select INT, Arabia or China in VIDA if the vehicle's VIN applies to 51 China or 43 Arabia. Other markets that normally use Partner Group INT, should change to Partner group EUR/INT except Arabia and China, after the vehicle's VIN has been entered, to keep the function to decode the transmission.

In the same way, markets that normally use Partner Group EUR (Volvo Cars Europe) or NOR (Volvo Cars Nordic Countries) temporarily change to Partner Group AME (Volvo Cars North America) in VIDA Admin when a vehicle older that model year 1998 specified for USA, Canada, Mexico or Puerto Rico is to have its VIN decoded.

4. Customer details

The search result is displayed in a list at the bottom of the page. If a search result does not have any VIN information, the result is displayed without a Select button. If a search result returns more than one vehicle for the same customer, the vehicles are displayed in separate rows.

The following columns are displayed for search result:

  • Customer Name

  • VIN

  • Model

  • Year

  • Email

  • License Plate

  • Source

When clicking a row, the system takes the VIN of the selected row, decodes it and populates the profile in the manual vehicle profiling section. You can fine-tune the vehicle profile by further adding criteria like:

  • Steering

  • Body Style

  • Special Vehicle

When clicking Select for the fine-tuned profile, VIDA uses the refined vehicle profile for setting the Vehicle tab that will appear in the top of VIDA, to the right of the Home tab.

If you click Select on the search result row, then the fine-tuned vehicle profile is discarded and the original profile which was received from the search result is used instead.

If the search returns no matches, the message 'No customer found.' is displayed. You can use the Create New Customer Profile button () to create a new customer profile.

By clicking a customer name, the Customer Details are opened in a pop-up window. Here you can see and manage the selected customer's information.