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Claim Types

Even though Volvo Cars imposes the highest quality standards, both on ourselves and our suppliers, unforeseen product quality issues can occur. After a careful review of all implications on safety and customer satisfaction, including legal considerations, Volvo Cars will advise all relevant markets of the needed remedial actions. This is done through claim types (claims). Another commonly used expression for claim types is Quality Bulletins (QBs).

VIDA provides information on available claim types on each vehicle. Claim types are retrieved from a central warranty system and can be of many different types, e.g. service actions and recalls. Once you select Claim Types in the left-hand menu panel under the Planning tab, claim types are presented in one of the following ways:

Fig. 47: Active Claims pop-up in front of other claims list

A pop-up window (1) is shown if there are any active claims for the current vehicle. If there are no active claims you will not see this pop-up window but if there are any other claims, these will be presented on the actual page (2). See the sections below for additional information.

1. Active Claims pop-up

Some claim types, called active claims need immediate attention. If there are any active claim types, a pop-up appears every time you access the Planning tab, prompting you to add these claim types to the work list. The icon next to the Claim Types menu-item in the left-hand menu panel indicates pending active claims for the vehicle. If you select this menu-item when this icon is shown, the pop-up window, prompting you to add the active claim types appears once again as a reminder.

Fig. 48: Active Claims pop-up

All currently active claims are presented in a list in the pop-up. The list is structured in the following columns:



Claim Type

Claim type number. All claim types that have additional information available are clickable and marked in blue font. See subsection below for additional information.


Short description of the claim type.

Start Date

Claim type valid from date.

End Date

Claim type valid until date.

Mileage Limit

As claim types may be limited by mileage limits, mileage data is available here.

Times Accepted

Number of times claim type can be performed per vehicle.


States if the claim type has been performed.

Instruction to Customer

When adding QB related operations and packages to a work list, you need to know if the QB contains any instructions to the customer. This relates to instructions such as the tank should be at least half empty or both keys should be brought to the workshop.


Below the list there are five buttons. Select one or many active claims to enable the buttons. The table below explains each button:




If active claims are marked and the Add button is clicked the related CSC (including XW), operation and package that belong to the active claim are added to the work list.

If there is an active work list, the items are added to that list. If there is no active work list, the system creates a new list and adds the items to that list.


If none of the active claims should be added to the work list, this choice should be selected. It turns off the reminder to add active claims to the work list for the rest of the current session.

Other Claims

Show other (non-active) claims and the history of the vehicle's claim types. It is also possible to add local sales company claim types to the work list.


Click this button to close the window.

2. Other Claims

The Claim Types page, accessed from the left-hand menu panel under the Planning tab, shows a list of relevant claim types for the selected vehicle. The following claim types are included in the list:

  • Optional and local sales company specific claims.

  • Active claims which have been postponed.

  • Historical claims (active or other claims which have been handled).



A pop-up window is shown if there are any active claims for the current vehicle.

Fig. 49: Claim Types page viewing other claims

The list is structured in the following columns:



Claim Type

Claim type number. All claim types that have additional information available are clickable and marked in blue font. See subsection below for additional information.


Short description of the claim type.

Start Date

Claim type valid from date.

End Date

Claim type valid until date.

Mileage Limit

As claims may be limited by mileage limits, mileage data is available here.

Times Accepted

Number of times claim type can be performed per vehicle.


States if the claim type has been performed.

Instruction to Customer

When adding QB related operations and packages to a work list, you need to know if the QB contains any instructions to the customer. This relates to instructions such as the tank should be at least half empty or both keys should be brought to the workshop.

View additional information

All claim types that have additional information available are clickable and marked in blue font.

Fig. 50: Example of clickable claim types

Once such a link is clicked, the full instruction opens up in a separate window.

Fig. 51: Additional claim type information



The instruction link is available only for claims that have additional information in TIE (quality bulletins). The title of these claims always starts with A, D, L, P, R, or S. All other claims do not have additional information.

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Quality Bulletins (QB)