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By using the Activations tab, you can control components in the vehicle from VIDA. This functionality makes it e.g. possible to turn certain features in the vehicle on and off or to run at different levels for functional diagnostics. As an example, the engine coolant fan in a vehicle can be activated to run at 33, 66 or 100 percent.



This tab is only enabled if there are any possible activations available for the control module selected in the Control Module panel.

Fig. 211: Vehicle Communication page - Activations

Each area of the page is explained in the subsections below.

1. Control Module panel

In the Control Module panel, deviations on the vehicle's network communication are presented in a graphic. The graphic reflects the vehicle's network with all control modules' status at the latest readout.

Fig. 212: The Control Module panel

The colour of the control modules in the graphic varies depending on status:




Control module responsive to communication.


Control module not responsive to communication.


Control module not part of the vehicle configuration (it may, however, be in the relevant vehicle model).

An explanation of the colours is accessed by clicking the icon.

By selecting a control module in the graphic, the list under the Activations tab is populated with all available activation parameters for the selected control module.

2. Activations tab

In this list, all available activation parameters for the selected control module are listed.

Fig. 213: List of activation parameters under the Activations tab

The list is in some cases structured in categories. A icon is available in some of the category's header. By clicking such an icon, a reference document is opened under the Information tab on the right-hand side of the screen.

The activation parameter you select from the list is displayed and handled under the Possible Activations tab on the right-hand side of the screen. It is only possible to select one activation parameter at a time.

3. Possible Activations tab

Under this tab, selected activation parameter under the Activations tab is displayed in a table.

Fig. 214: The Possible Activations tab

The table is structured in two columns:




Name of selected activation parameter.


Value of selected activation parameter. The values differs from parameter to parameter and can e.g. be "12V", "Pos II" or "On". A icon is displayed if the vehicle is not returning information on selected parameter. Please send an error report if this problem occurs.

The activation action is displayed in the Possible Activations table. The activation is started by clicking the Start button. Once an activation is started, the Start button changes name to Stop and you can use the button to stop the activation. When the activation is completed, the status is indicated with either (successful) or (failed).



It is not possible to select an activation parameter while another activation is in progress.

4. Information tab

By clicking a icon next to an activation parameter category under the Activations tab, the reference document for the category is presented here. The reference document contains descriptions of the activation parameters.

Fig. 215: The Information tab

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