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Component functions

By right-clicking a component in a wiring diagram, a drop-down menu containing options for the selected component is shown.

Fig. 111: Component information drop-down menu

Read more about each option in the subsections below.



The Relay table option is only available for relay components and the Fuse table option is only available for fuse box components.

1. Follow component

Follow a component to another wiring diagram by right-clicking the component and select Follow component. This opens a pop-up containing a list of functions in which the component is used. You can also see in what wiring diagrams the component is shown.

Fig. 112: The Follow component pop-up

When you have followed a component to another wiring diagram, the component is highlighted in blue.



Pay attention to the selected function and what wiring diagram you are navigating to when following a component. It is possible to navigate to wiring diagrams that are not directly related to the selected function.

2. Relay table

A relay table is accessed by right-clicking a relay component and selecting Relay table. This opens a pop-up containing a list of all relays valid for the current vehicle.

Fig. 113: The Relay table pop-up

The list contains the relay number and all components that are controlled by the relay.

3. Fuse table

A fuse table is accessed by right-clicking a fuse box component and selecting Fuse table. This opens a pop-up containing a list of all fuses valid for the current vehicle.

Fig. 114: The Fuse table pop-up

The list contains the fuse number, fuse ID, amperage of the fuse and what component the fuse provides power feed for. If applicable, you can also see any components the power feed goes via before reaching the component the fuse provides power feed for.

4. Signal information

Signal information for component

Signal information for a component is accessed by right-clicking the component and selecting Signal information. This opens a pop-up containing a table with complete information about all connections to the component. The pins shown on the wiring diagram where the signal information was accessed from are highlighted in blue. Pins not shown in the wiring diagram are not highlighted.

Fig. 115: The Signal information for component pop-up

The table shows connector, pin, signal ID, direction of the signal, nearest connection, pin of nearest connection, wire thickness and colour. If applicable you can also see the measurement box pin to be used when measuring the signal. By hovering the mouse over a row, the expected measurement value is shown.

5. Component images

Images for a component is accessed by right-clicking the component and selecting Component images. This opens a pop-up containing a drop-down menu of relevant images.

Fig. 116: The Component images pop-up

The following image types can be selected from the drop-down menu in the upper left-hand part of the window:

  • Component images

  • Location images

  • Pin-out images

  • Layout images (only available for relays and fuse boxes)

Zoom and pan

Zoom images in and out by using the + and - buttons in the zoom slider, placed in the upper left corner of the images. It is also possible to zoom images by using the scroll wheel on your mouse. Pan images by using the arrows in the zoom slider or grab and drag to desired position by using the mouse.

Fig. 117: The zoom slider