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Manual booking requests

The following two procedures outlines the main processes of manual booking requests from customers. Customers are able to make manual workshop booking request by using Sensus Connect in the vehicle or My Volvo ownership website.



It is also possible to initiate requests for appointments and perform pre-bookings on behalf of customers. For further information, see Create appointment.

Main process of a workshop booking request initiated by a customer from a vehicle


Process overview




A customer initiates a workshop booking from a Sensus cloud connected vehicle.


The customer makes a choice in Sensus Connect


The customer approves data transfer in Sensus Connect.


The customer sends the workshop booking request to the dealer.


The dealer receives the workshop booking request.


The dealer plans the work.


The dealer plans the appointment.


The dealer creates a workshop appointment proposal.


The dealer sends service appointment proposal to the customer.


The customer receives the service appointment proposal.


The dealer receives the accepted service appointment proposal.


The customer is reminded about the service appointment.


The customer is guided to the workshop.


The dealer performs the planned work on the vehicle.


The dealer closes the case.

  1. A customer initiates a workshop booking from a Sensus cloud connected vehicle

  2. The customer of a Sensus cloud connected vehicle selects My Car à Service & repair à Dealer information in Sensus Connect.

  3. The customer makes a choice in Sensus Connect

  4. The customer is given four alternative request types to send to the workshop.

    • Service

    • Repair

    • Service and repair

    • Other


    The customer selects to send a service booking request.

  5. The customer approves data transfer in Sensus Connect

  6. All customers own the data their vehicles create and data will be transferred to Volvo Cars by the use of the customers' phone or vehicle P-SIM connection. For each service cycle, the customer will be asked for agreement to use the current phone or P-SIM connection. These data transfers consist of a data volume of about 500 kilobytes.


    The customer is asked to accept data transfer to Volvo Cars and gives approval. The question will not appear again until another service cycle is initiated.

  7. The customer sends the workshop booking request to the dealer

  8. The vehicle sends a workshop booking request and State Of Health data to the dealer. The customer receives a confirmation message in Sensus Connect, at My Volvo ownership website and by email, confirming that the workshop booking request was successfully delivered. The workshop booking request confirmation also states that the customer will be contacted by the dealer within 2* working days. However, the dealer should always react as quickly as possible on workshop booking requests in order to serve the customer in the best possible way.

    * Configurable per market and will be configurable per dealer at later stage.



    The specified time frame is the dealer's promise to the customer which must be kept in any circumstances, in order not to disappoint the customer. The Workshop Appointment Management functionalities support the dealer not to forget any customers. An email is sent to the dealer's service manager/department in case a booking request has not been picked up and processed from the Actions list on the Appointments tab within 24 hours*.

    * Configurable per market.

  9. The dealer receives the workshop booking request

  10. The customer's preferred dealer opens the Appointments tab in VIDA on a regular basis to check if there are any newly arrived customer requests. In the Actions list, which is displayed by default, the dealer sees the customer's request.

  11. The dealer plans the work

  12. The dealer looks at the customer's request by clicking the Appointment ID in the Appointments tab. The Manage appointment page opens in a new browser window. On this page the dealer checks customer details, vehicle mileage, appointments history etc.

    The dealer then clicks VIEW CONNECTED VEHICLE DATA to view the vehicle's state of health details.

    The dealer then returns to the Appointments tab and sets the vehicle as vehicle profile by using the Select button in order to check potential need of quality bulletins (QBs) related to the vehicle.

    If the dealer has the Operations and Packages functionality included in the VIDA subscription and if there is any open work order in the DMS, this is done by using the work list. The QBs are automatically shown for the current VIN and all QB related information is added easily.

    Without the Operations and Packages functionalities, this work must be carried out manually. For further information and guidance regarding these functionalities in VIDA, see VIDA Target missing display-db/VST.

    Having finalised this step, all relevant information for the repair of the vehicle, as well as time to be planned in the workshop planning system, is calculated by the dealer.

  13. The dealer plans the appointment

  14. Knowing the work and time required to be allocated in the workshop, the next step for the dealer is to check the workshop planning system. The dealer picks a suitable day and time for the workshop appointment based on workshop capacity.

  15. The dealer creates a workshop appointment proposal

  16. The dealer goes back to the Appointments tab in VIDA and clicks the Appointment ID. The relevant data for the proposal is entered in the appointment template. If the dealer used the work list in VIDA to prepare the work order, the content for the appointment proposal can be filled by copy/paste from the work list.

  17. The dealer sends service appointment proposal to the customer

  18. The dealer clicks SUBMIT and the proposal is sent to the customer.



    Proposals are always sent to the customer's vehicle and My Volvo ownership website. The customer also receives an information email, containing a link to My Volvo ownership website.

    The dealer closes the Manage appointment window by clicking the CLOSE button. Back at the Appointments tab, the customer/vehicle has now been transferred from the Actions list to the Pending list.

  19. The customer receives the service appointment proposal


    The customer receives the service appointment proposal and is able to respond via Sensus Connect in the vehicle or via My Volvo ownership website.

    In Sensus Connect, the customer is given four alternatives:

    Accept proposal

    By selecting this option, the customer accepts the proposal.

    Decline proposal

    By selecting this option, the customer withdraws the workshop appointment request. If the proposal is declined, the service light and message in the vehicle's DIM is automatically turned back on.

    Request a new proposal

    By selecting this option, the customer requests another time for the workshop appointment. If the customer requests a new proposal, the dealer must first find a new time slot in the workshop planning system (see step 7) before proceeding.


    By selecting this option, the proposal is repeated to the customer during the next driving cycle.


    At My Volvo ownership website, the customer is given three alternatives:


    By selecting this option, the customer accepts the proposal.


    By selecting this option, the customer withdraws the workshop appointment request. If the proposal is declined, the service light and message in the vehicle's DIM is automatically turned back on.


    By selecting this option, the customer requests another time for the workshop appointment. If the customer requests a new proposal, the dealer must first find a new time slot in the workshop planning system (see step 7) before proceeding.



    All responses on booking proposals (not postpone) are directly sent back to the dealer and appears in the Actions list.


    The customer accepts the proposal in Sensus Connect and the response is sent to the dealer.

  21. The dealer receives the accepted service appointment proposal

  22. The dealer opens the Appointments tab in VIDA. In the Actions list the dealer sees that the customer has accepted the proposal.

    The dealer clicks the Appointment ID and selects Confirm appointment from the drop-down menu in the Manage appointment window. By clicking SUBMIT, the dealer confirms the agreed booking and work to be performed.


    The booking is transferred from the Actions list to the Planned list.


    When the booking is confirmed, it is important to secure that the provisionally booked time in the workshop is confirmed. The dealer must also make sure that the workshop planning and the work order was established and finalised before the proposal was sent. All necessary parts must be available or otherwise ordered.

  23. The customer is reminded about the service appointment

  24. Based on customer settings in My Volvo ownership website, Sensus Connect will display an appointment reminder to the customer 1 to 4 days before the day of the service appointment. This reminder will also reach the customer by an email with a link to My Volvo ownership website. On the day of the service appointment, Sensus Connect will remind the customer again, every time the engine is started.

  25. The customer is guided to the workshop

  26. If the vehicle is equipped with Sensus Navigation, the customer can choose to be guided by Sensus Navigation when driving the vehicle to the workshop.

  27. The dealer performs the planned work on the vehicle

  28. When the vehicle arrives at the workshop, the dealer performs the work on the vehicle according to what has been agreed and planned with the customer. When everything is done, the dealer resets the service light as part of the normal service routine*.

    * Only applicable for service appointments.

  29. The dealer closes the case

  30. As a final step, when all work is completed and the vehicle has been picked up by the customer, the dealer opens the Appointments tab. The dealer then selects the customer/vehicle on the Planned list and clicks the Appointment ID. This opens the Manage appointment window. The dealer closes the case by selecting Finalize appointment from the drop-down menu and then clicking SUBMIT.


    By doing this, the appointment is removed from the Planned list but the customer/vehicle is still available on the Workshop Customers tab if the primary driver of the vehicle has selected the dealer as preferred dealer.


    All information about earlier appointments is available in the overview of appointments on the Workshop Appointment Management pages.

Main process of a workshop booking request initiated by a customer at My Volvo ownership website


Process overview




A customer initiates a workshop booking from My Volvo ownership website.


The customer creates a workshop booking request.


The customer sends a workshop booking request.


The dealer receives the workshop booking request.


The dealer plans the work.


The dealer plans the appointment.


The dealer creates a workshop appointment proposal.


The dealer sends workshop appointment proposal to the customer.


The customer receives the workshop appointment proposal.


The dealer receives the accepted workshop appointment proposal.


The customer is reminded about the workshop appointment.


The customer is guided to the workshop.


The dealer performs the planned work on the vehicle.


The dealer closes the case.

  1. A customer initiates a workshop booking from My Volvo ownership website

  2. The customer logs in to My Volvo ownership website and navigates to the Service & Repair page to initiate a request. The request can also be initiated from the Landing page or the Booking page.

  3. The customer creates a workshop booking request

  4. The customer is able to add the following to the request:

    • Maintenance service, repairs and other services.

    • Vehicle information such as last service date, current mileage etc.

    • Two preferred dates for the appointment.

    • Text messages in two different fields, one for description of work that needs to be done on the vehicle (e.g. "The head rest is a bit loose") and one for other information related to the workshop visit (e.g. "I would like to have a courtesy car").

    In manual requests from My Volvo ownership website, the customer is also able to send a workshop booking request to any dealer in the market. To do so, the customer needs to select another dealer in the booking request form before sending the workshop booking request. This change is only applicable for that specific booking. The customer is also able to permanently select another preferred dealer via My Volvo ownership website.

    If a customer does any of these changes, temporary or permanent, the new selected dealer will receive the customer's request in the Actions list.


    In this case, the customer selects to make a workshop booking request at the preferred dealer. The customer does not add any additional offering, information or text messages.

  5. The customer sends a workshop booking request

  6. When the customer has completed the workshop booking request, it is sent to the customer's preferred dealer. The customer receives a message in Sensus Connect, at My Volvo ownership website and by an information email, confirming that the booking request was successfully delivered. The booking request confirmation also states that the customer will be contacted by the dealer within 2 working days*.

    * Configurable per market.



    The specified time frame is the dealer's promise to the customer which must be kept in any circumstances, in order not to disappoint the customer. The Workshop Appointment Management functionalities support the dealer not to forget any customers. An email will be sent to the dealer's service manager/department in case a booking request has not been picked up and processed from the Actions list within 24 hours*.

    * Configurable per market.

  7. The dealer receives the workshop booking request

  8. The customer's preferred dealer opens the Appointments tab in VIDA on a regular basis to check if there are any newly arrived customer requests. In the Actions list, which is displayed by default, the dealer sees the customer's request.

  9. The dealer plans the work

  10. The dealer looks at the customer's request by clicking the Appointment ID in the Appointments tab. The Manage appointment page opens in a new browser window. On this page the dealer checks customer details, vehicle mileage, appointments history etc.

    The dealer then clicks VIEW CONNECTED VEHICLE DATA to view the vehicle's state of health details.

    The dealer then returns to the Appointments tab and sets the vehicle as vehicle profile by using the Select button in order to check potential need of quality bulletins (QBs) related to the vehicle.

    If the dealer has the Operations and Packages functionality included in the VIDA subscription and if there is any open work order in the DMS, this is done by using the work list. The QBs are automatically shown for the current VIN and all QB related information is added easily.

    Without the Operations and Packages functionalities, this work must be carried out manually. For further information and guidance regarding these functionalities in VIDA, see VIDA Target missing display-db/VST.

    Having finalised this step, all relevant information for the repair of the vehicle, as well as time to be planned in the workshop planning system, is calculated by the dealer.

  11. The dealer plans the appointment

  12. Knowing the work and time required to be allocated in the workshop, the next step for the dealer is to check the workshop planning system. The dealer picks a suitable day and time for the workshop appointment based on workshop capacity.

  13. The dealer creates a workshop appointment proposal

  14. The dealer goes back to the Appointments tab in VIDA and clicks the Appointment ID. The relevant data for the proposal is entered in the appointment template. If the dealer used the work list in VIDA to prepare the work order, the content for the appointment proposal can be filled by copy/paste from the work list.

  15. The dealer sends workshop appointment proposal to the customer

  16. The dealer clicks SUBMIT and the proposal is sent to the customer.



    Proposals are always sent to the customer's vehicle and My Volvo ownership website. The customer also receives an information email, containing a link to My Volvo ownership website.

    The dealer closes the Manage appointment window by clicking the CLOSE button. Back at the Appointments tab, the customer/vehicle has now been transferred from the Actions list to the Pending list.

  17. The customer receives the workshop appointment proposal


    The customer receives the workshop appointment proposal and is able to respond via Sensus Connect in the vehicle or via My Volvo ownership website.

    In Sensus Connect, the customer is given four alternatives:

    Accept proposal

    By selecting this option, the customer accepts the proposal.

    Decline proposal

    By selecting this option, the customer withdraws the workshop appointment request. If the proposal is declined, the service light and message in the vehicle's DIM is automatically turned back on.

    Request a new proposal

    By selecting this option, the customer requests another time for the workshop appointment. If the customer requests a new proposal, the dealer must first find a new time slot in the workshop planning system (see step 7) before proceeding.


    By selecting this option, the proposal is repeated to the customer during the next driving cycle.


    At My Volvo ownership website, the customer is given three alternatives:


    By selecting this option, the customer accepts the proposal.


    By selecting this option, the customer withdraws the workshop appointment request. If the proposal is declined, the service light and message in the vehicle's DIM is automatically turned back on.


    By selecting this option, the customer requests another time for the workshop appointment. If the customer requests a new proposal, the dealer must first find a new time slot in the workshop planning system (see step 7) before proceeding.



    All responses on booking proposals (not postpone) are directly sent back to the dealer and appears in the Actions list.


    The customer accepts the proposal in Sensus Connect and the response is sent to the dealer.

  19. The dealer receives the accepted workshop appointment proposal

  20. The dealer opens the Appointments tab in VIDA. In the Actions list the dealer sees that the customer has accepted the proposal.

    The dealer clicks the Appointment ID and selects Confirm appointment from the drop-down menu in the Manage appointment window. By clicking SUBMIT, the dealer confirms the agreed booking and work to be performed.


    The booking is transferred from the Actions list to the Planned list.


    When the booking is confirmed, it is important to secure that the provisionally booked time in the workshop is confirmed. The dealer must also make sure that the workshop planning and the work order was established and finalised before the proposal was sent. All necessary parts must be available or otherwise ordered.

  21. The customer is reminded about the workshop appointment

  22. Based on customer settings in My Volvo ownership website, Sensus Connect will display an appointment reminder to the customer 1 to 4 days before the day of the workshop appointment. This reminder will also reach the customer by an email with a link to My Volvo ownership website. On the day of the workshop appointment, Sensus Connect will remind the customer again, every time the engine is started.

  23. The customer is guided to the workshop

  24. If the vehicle is equipped with Sensus Navigation, the customer can choose to be guided by Sensus Navigation when driving the vehicle to the workshop.

  25. The dealer performs the planned work on the vehicle

  26. When the vehicle arrives at the workshop, the dealer performs the work on the vehicle according to what has been agreed and planned with the customer. When everything is done, the dealer resets the service light as part of the normal service routine*.

    * Only applicable for service appointments.

  27. The dealer closes the case

  28. As a final step, when all work is completed and the vehicle has been picked up by the customer, the dealer opens the Appointments tab. The dealer then selects the customer/vehicle on the Planned list and clicks the Appointment ID. This opens the Manage appointment window. The dealer closes the case by selecting Finalize appointment from the drop-down menu and then clicking SUBMIT.


    By doing this, the appointment is removed from the Planned list but the customer/vehicle is still available on the Workshop Customers tab if the primary driver of the vehicle has selected the dealer as preferred dealer.


    All information about earlier appointments is available in the overview of appointments on the Workshop Appointment Management pages.