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Purchase Software

The process of downloading software to Volvo vehicles is divided into two stages. In the first stage, Purchase Software, the software is purchased from PIE and downloaded to VIDA.



This note only applies for certain markets.

If you are an independent operator, software purchases are handled through an authorized Volvo dealer. The purchasing and ordering functionalities described in this chapter are not applicable for independent operators. See the how-to article Purchasing and downloading software (independents) for further information and instructions.

If you are an authorized Volvo dealer, see the how-to article Ordering software on behalf of an independent operator for further information and instructions on ordering software products on behalf of independent operators.

This page is divided into four main sections:

Fig. 235: The Purchase Software stage under the Software tab



The appearance and functionalities in the Order Queue tab differs before and after a software purchase.

1. Find/Add Software panel

In this panel, the software products that are available for the selected vehicle are shown in a list.

Fig. 236: The Find/Add Software panel

Software category

In the upper part of the panel, you can select what software category to view in the list:

Software category



Upgrades for control modules in the current vehicle that does not have the latest software installed.

Hardware Changes

Software upgrades for newly installed hardware components in the current vehicle.

Please note that this category is empty until you have changed a control module and performed a new vehicle readout. A new vehicle readout can be performed on this page by clicking the Read Vehicle button. By doing this, any changes in the hardware (added, removed or replaced control modules) are detected and the list is populated with software products according to the hardware changes.

If you have already performed a vehicle readout anywhere else in VIDA on the current vehicle after a hardware change, you do not have to use the Read Vehicle button here. You can use the refresh button to populate the software list instead.

Function Changes

Software upgrades for new and existing functions in the current vehicle. A function corresponds to adding or removing application software without any hardware change.


All available software products that can be used for repair of existing control modules in the current vehicle. No hardware changes are required to download these software products. This category consists of reload software only and does not require a vehicle readout.


List of software products

The list of software products is structured in the following columns:



Part Number

Part number of the software product.


Short description of the software product.


Additional comments on the software product.

Size (kB)

Size of the software product (kilobytes).

Download Time

Estimation of the total download time for the software product (minutes).

Select one or several software products to purchase or order by using the checkboxes on the left-hand side of each row. Click the Add Software button to add selected software products to the Order Queue.

2. Order Queue tab

Under this tab you get an overview of your queued order. This is where you purchase or order software products that have been added from the Find/Add Software panel.



The appearance and functionalities of the Order Queue tab differs before and after a software purchase.

When adding software product(s) from the Find/Add Software panel, a new order is prepared under this tab. At this stage, the order has the status Initialized.

Fig. 237: The Order Queue tab before purchase, order status Initialized

Order information

In the upper part of the panel, you can see the following details of your queued order:



Order ID

ID of the order.

Order Date

Date when the order was placed.

Expiration Date

Expiration date of the order.

Order Status

Reflects the status of the order, e.g. Initialized or Available.



All columns except Order Status are empty until the order has been purchased.


The software products that are included in the queued order are presented in a list. The list is structured in the following columns:



Part Number

Part number of the software product.


Short description of the software product.


Additional comments on the software product.

Size (kB)

Size of the software product (kilobytes).

Download Time

Estimation of the total download time for the software product (minutes).


Action buttons

When the order has status Initialized, the following action buttons are available.




Use this button to remove software products that was incorrectly added to the software queue.


Use this button to initiate the purchasing process for the software products in the order queue. The progress of the purchase is displayed in a progress bar.

Order for Independent Workshop

Use this button to place an order on behalf of an independent operator. See the how-to article Ordering software on behalf of an independent operator for further instructions. An overview of previously placed software product orders is available under the Order History tab. This tab is opened by default once you have placed an order on behalf of an independent operator.

Note! Only available for some markets.


Use this button to cancel a software purchase. This button is enabled once the Purchase button has been clicked.



Once a purchase has been completed, other functionalities are displayed under the Order Queue tab as described below.

The Order Queue tab after purchase

Once you have clicked the Purchase button and the software purchase has been completed, the order status changes to Available. You will now be able to see additional order details and get access to other functions that make it possible to continue the software download process.

Fig. 238: The Order Queue tab after purchase, order status Available

Action buttons

When the order has status Available, the following action buttons are available.




This button is disabled when the purchase has been performed.


Use this button to revoke (cancel) the software order.


This button is disabled when the purchase has been performed.


Order Details

Order details are shown in the lower part of the panel. The order details provide the following information:




VIN of the vehicle that the software is ordered for.

Order reference

The order reference number that was entered when the software products were purchased.

Control modules to be loaded

Control modules that will be involved in the software download.


Total size of included software products.

Estimated download time*

Estimated download time in minutes for purchased software products.

* The Estimated download time field differs depending on what diagnostic protocol the current vehicle is using. E.g. if the current vehicle is a VDS protocol-based vehicle there will be two fields presenting estimated download time for using wired connection and wireless connection. See the article Vehicle communication for additional information about vehicle communication methods.

Software product script details are accessed by clicking the icon in the Order Details header.

Continue button

To start downloading your purchased software to the vehicle, click the Continue button. This take you to the next stage of the software download process.

3. Order History tab

Under this tab you get an overview of all your previous orders. Authorized Volvo dealers can also use this tab to check details on orders they have made on behalf of independent operators (only applies for certain markets).

Fig. 239: The Order History tab



The order history only reflects orders made by you. You cannot see orders placed by other users on the current vehicle.


The previous orders are presented in a chronological list, structured in the following columns:



Order ID

ID of the order.

Order Date

Date when the order was placed.

Expiration Date

Expiration date of the order.

Order Status

The status of the order, e.g. Confirmed, Order Software for Independents or Cancelled.

You can use the and buttons to view and hide the software products that were included in the previous orders.


Order Details

By selecting an order in the list, the order details are presented in the lower part of the Order History tab's area. The order details provide the following information:




VIN of the vehicle that the software is ordered for.

Order ID

ID of the order.

Order reference number

The order reference number that was entered when the software products were purchased.

ECU List

Control modules that have been affected by the software download.

Software product script details are accessed by clicking the icon in the Order Details header.

4. Query Order tab

Under this tab, users on markets with Volvo Vision can fetch previously placed orders for the vehicle. Also, independent operators can use this tab to fetch software products that an authorized Volvo dealer has ordered on behalf of them.

The queried orders are structured in a chronological list. By default, only orders with status Ordered are displayed but you can also view already delivered or cancelled orders by ticking the Show all orders checkbox. Use the and buttons to view and hide information about the content of the orders.

Fig. 240: The Query Order tab

Some orders in the list, e.g. orders received by independent operators, can be selected and added to the Order Queue by clicking the Add to Order Queue button.

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