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Download Software

The process of downloading software to Volvo vehicles is divided into two stages. In the second stage, Download Software, the software is downloaded from VIDA to the vehicle.

This page is divided into three main sections:

Fig. 241: The Download Software stage under the Software tab



A downloaded software product is only stored on the current VIDA workstation and can only be downloaded and managed from that specific workstation. If the software for some reason needs to be downloaded from another VIDA workstation, the order must be revoked and reordered from that other workstation.

1. Download Queue tab

Under this tab you get a complete overview of what software products you are about to download to the vehicle.

Fig. 242: The Download Queue tab

Order information

In the upper part of this view, a table containing details of your order is available. The following details are presented:



Order ID

ID of the order.

Order Date

Date when the order was placed.

Order Status

The status of the order, e.g. Available.


Selected Parts list

The software products that are included in the order are presented in a list. The list is structured in the following columns:



Part Number

Part number of the software product.


Short description of the software product.


Additional comments on the software product.

Size (kB)

Size of the software product (kilobytes).

Download Time

Estimation of the download time (minutes).

Revoke button

Use the Revoke button if you want to cancel the order. This takes you back to the Purchase Software view.

Order details





VIN of the vehicle that the software download is prepared for.

Order reference

The order reference number that was entered when the software products were purchased.

Control modules to be loaded

Control modules involved in the software download.


Total size of purchased software products.

Estimated download time*

Estimated download time in minutes for purchased software products.

* The Estimated download time field differs depending on what diagnostic protocol the current vehicle is using. E.g. if the current vehicle is a VDS protocol-based vehicle there will be two fields presenting estimated download time for using wired connection and wireless connection. See the article Vehicle communication for additional information about vehicle communication methods.

Software product script details are accessed by clicking the icon in the Order Details header.

2. Download History tab

Under this tab you get an overview of previous software download activities that have been performed on the current vehicle.

Fig. 243: The Download History tab

The download history is ordered in a chronological list, structured in the following columns:



Order ID

ID of the order.

Order Date

Date when the order was placed.

Order Status

The status of the order, e.g. Confirmed.

You can use the and buttons to view and hide the software products that were included in the previous orders.

Action buttons

The following action buttons can be used to manage the information under the Download History tab:




Erase All DTCs

Use this button to remove all orders in the download history.

View Restored Parameter

Use this button to view the customer parameters that have been restored. This is presented in a pop-up where you also can see to what value the parameters were restored.


Order Details

By selecting an order in the list, the order details are presented in the lower part of the Order History tab's area. The order details provide the following information:




VIN of the vehicle the software was downloaded to.

Order ID

ID of the order.

Order reference number

Order reference number you entered when the software products were purchased or ordered.

ECU List

Control modules that were affected by the software download.

User ID

CDSID of the user who performed the software download activity.

Software product script details are accessed by clicking the icon in the Order Details header.

3. Information panel

In this panel you manage the download of the software products in your download queue. Start downloading the software products to the vehicle by clicking the Start button. If you need to modify your order, click the Back to Software Purchase button. This takes you back to the Purchase Software stage.

Fig. 244: The Information panel

Once the software download has been started, you can follow the progress in the progress bar on top of the panel. The progress bar reflects the four steps of the software download process. Relevant information is provided continuously during each step of the process.

Fig. 245: Progress bar




VIDA checks that the available software product matches the content in the vehicle.

Prepare USB

VIDA checks if a USB memory is needed for the software download (applicable when downloading large software products). If needed, you will be prompted to connect a USB memory to the workstation. Instructions on when to remove the USB memory and insert it to the vehicle will be provided as well.


The software product is downloaded to the vehicle.


VIDA confirms that the software download is completed. Instructions on further actions to perform on the vehicle before delivery to the customer are provided.



There is a setting that allows you to download large software products without the usage of a USB memory. See the article Advanced Test for further information.

For a more detailed description of the software download process, please refer to the Software download how-to's.

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Software download how-to's


Common icons